
How to buy?

Buying Overview:

(Buying on China Suppliers is easy by following steps to begin your buying experience)

1. Welcome to BUYFORM CHINA.CN platform, if you are a new customer.

2. Search products or suppliers.

3. Contact sellers after you find the products you want.

4. Post buying inquiry to get instant quotations from the sellers.

Looking for Products and Suppliers:

There are two ways to find your products, you can either browse by product categories or use our search engine.

Search: Enter a product name in the searching box and click "Search" button.

Search Tips:

1. If you are not satisfied with the search results, try to use less keyword.

(E.g., you can use "stainless steel" instead of "seamless stainless steel").

2. Better don’t type in keywords which are too specific or specialized (e.g., "35*20 PE shopping bag ")

3. The only search for one product once.

4. Don't include a country/region's name in your search (e.g., "apple China").

5. Don't include the word "buyer" or "seller" in your keyword phrase (e.g., "apple seller").

Contacting BFC platform

1. Sending Inquiries

Select the each product or Niumi ID you are interested in.

You can also click the button beside the products of the search result page to send an inquiry.

2. Posting Buying Leads

Buying Lead is a purchase request posted by a buyer. Essentially, it is an invitation to Niumi to send their quotes regarding a certain product or product range.

Post a Buying Lead if you cannot find the products you want to source on Most Niumi do not post their entire inventory, so tell BFC platform what you want and let the right Niumi come to you.

When posting your Buying Leads, you can specify the method of contact you prefer or conceal your company information.

There are two ways to post a buying lead:

1. You can post buying leads without disclosing contact information. To do this, please take the following steps:

a. Find BFC-platform contact informations at .

b. Find your favorite products in the information that has been posted on the platform.

c. Find the Niumi information on your favorite products.

d. Contact them(BFC) for detailed discussion.

2. If you are a member of China Niumi, try the second way:


a.Input a keyword to search products or Niumi suppliers on Here you can make inquiries and add the interesting information (products or Niumi ID) you find to your Favorites.

b.Use wechat Niumi app to inquery more Niumi suppliers.

c.Contact the head of Niumi business.